Dance On The Breeze
Performance Videos
My Cup Runneth Over
Turn It Off
The Lie
The Inevitable Passing of Our Youth
Give My Heart to You
You Gotta Keep Beatin' Your Head Against the Wall
A Dream within a Dream,
Wrapped in an Enigma...
This video tells the story of how Ross, a humble computer clerk, accidentally stumbles into the digital universe of SUPERCIRCUITMAN, who takes him on a SuperCircuitDream, dialling up a fantasy band to kick out Turn It Off!, a Ross Campbell song.
Computer Ross gets high on the technology and trips out with his fantasy band, only to be plagued by his Alter Ego, Caveman Ross, who fights back with a low tech solution. All of which, amazingly, Ross had dreamed as a young lad.
The video was Written & Directed by Allan R. Stein, to whose memory this website is dedicated, Edited by Marke Slipp, & Produced by Ross Campbell,
with the much-appreciated assistance of many members of the Edmonton Film Community, the dance troupe, Kompany, and funding from The Alberta Foundation for the Performing Arts.
Thanks to all, & Happy SuperCircuitDreams!